Thursday, June 9, 2016

Trumping the media for votes

There's no doubt that former TV star and current presidential candidate Donald Trump receives a substantial amount of media attention, which is enough publicity to advertise his campaign.

Or is it?

In the MSNBC article "Donald Trump's 'huge and not widely understood' disadvantage" published June 9, author Steve Benen makes the point that Trump's achilles heel may prove to be one of the only things he's got going for him: his money. If Trump doesn't dedicate money to funding his campaign, Hillary Clinton's advertisements will control the message conveyed to the audience, giving her a clear advantage. In addition, Trump's brusque manner and controversial comments during much of his interviews may not give him the edge he needs to win the election. This article is worth the read because it goes beyond the artificial nature of Trump's widespread publicity and offers real insight into the Trump campaign.

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